“I have been in private massage practice for 14 years and have always wanted to find a professional who truly cared about his clients as much as I care for mine. Cal has the universal appeal I have been searching for in a chiropractor in that I feel comfortable sending any and all of my clients to him no matter what their age or injury. I can attest to his ability personally. His thoughtful and comprehensive treatments of myself and my entire family are the piece of our health puzzle that was missing. Thanks, Dr. Melton!
” Regan Jager
“Dr. Melton’s commitment to quality care and patient satisfaction is a great asset for our community. Not only is he focused on ensuring patients have the most comprehensive care for their specific needs, but he understands the value of customer service. I commend Dr. Melton and his staff at Capital Chiropractic Center for the great leadership, and most importantly for the genuine care.
” Terrie Ard
“Dr. Cal Melton with Capital Chiropractic Center has been a lifesaver. He has helped me address my skeletal weaknesses caused by years of sports related injuries. He has helped me get my body back in alignment, which has allowed me to once again enjoy an active lifestyle. Dr. Melton and his staff go out of their way to provide personal, quality and professional care.
” Ginger Proctor
“Upon moving to Tallahassee in 2000, when I became the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services, my family and I were looking for a chiropractor who did not put business first, but put patients first. I wanted someone who offered a variety of services to meet the needs of my entire family. We were provided that service by Dr. Calvin Melton. Dr. Melton has exemplified the best qualities not only as a practitioner but as a professional who truly cares about his patients. It has been a pleasure having Dr. Melton facilitate my family’s chiropractic care.
” Charles H. Bronson, Commissioner
“At 66 years old, having lived with Cerebral Palsy (CP) all my life, why am I getting a massage and Accelerated Recovery Performance (ARP) once a week? Both provide relief in many ways. The ARP provides electrical stimulation in statically placed areas on my body, allowing the loosening of hamstrings and tendons that I cannot do on my own or with traditional gym workouts. While the gym workouts are helpful, I constantly am concerned about falling or hurting myself needlessly. With the ARP I am seated, standing or lying down. This relieves muscular and orthopedic pain as well as restoring flexibility and balance.
” Bruce Harter
“The team Dr. Melton has put together is incredible. They really care about the patients and seeing them succeed in all their goals. They made me focus on what I had to do to take the bronze in the 2008 Olympics. Thanks to Dr. Melton and his staff for all the support here at home.
” Walter Dix